Looking to explore investment opportunities with BTT?
Contact BTT >Looking to explore investment opportunities with BTT?
Contact BTT >VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 1, 2023 / Bitterroot Resources Ltd. (49.9% owner,symbol BTT, TSX-V) and Altius Minerals Corporation (50.1% owner, symbol ALS, TSX) have entered into an option agreement with Perseverance Metals Inc., whereby Perseverance can acquire a 100% interest in the 680 square-kilometre (262 square-miles) Voyageur Nickel-Copper-PGM Project. Voyageur is located approximately 65 kilometres west of Lundin Mining's Eagle nickel-copper-PGM mine in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Eagle Mine is the only active primary nickel mine in the United States.The Option A...
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 22, 2023 / Bitterroot Resources Ltd. (TSXV:BTT) has staked the 163-claim Nighthawk Gold Property in the central Walker Lane gold belt in Esmeralda County, Nevada. The Nighthawk Gold Property is prospective for near-surface, open pit/heap leach-recoverable oxide gold mineralization.The 100%-owned Nighthawk Property covers approximately five square miles of underexplored pediment on BLM-administered Federal land at the south end of the Gilbert Mining District, 25 miles west of Tonopah, NV. The claims host isolated outcrops surrounded by areas of thin (t...
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 30, 2022 / Bitterroot Resources Ltd.'s (TSXV:BTT) management is pleased to announce that its drilling contractor has mobilized a drill rig, crew and support equipment to the Coyote Sinter epithermal gold/silver project in Elko County, Nevada. Coyote Sinter is located in the Independence District, several miles south of the Jerritt Canyon mine property and 5 miles east of the historic Tuscarora mining district.Drilling will consist of three 500 metre-long (-50 degrees) HQ-sized core holes, along 700 metres of strike length of the Chevron fault. The ne...
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Bitterroot Resources Ltd. (BTT.V). TSXV - TSXV Delayed Price. Currency in CAD. Add to watchlist. 0.0350+0.0050 (+16.67%). As of April 23 11:55AM EDT.