Mike Maloney: The Golden Crypto Revolution & The Cashless Society

By World Alternative Media / February 24, 2018 / marketsanity.com / Article Link

Josh Sigurdson and John Sneisen sit down with Mike Maloney, one of the world's leading educators on gold and silver, the man behind 'The Hidden Secrets of Money' series and most recently, an insightful teacher on the subject of cryptocurrencies.

During this interview out of Acapulco, Mexico, Mike Maloney gives us his views on gold and silver in 2018 and where he sees the wealth insurance going in the near future. He also goes into the heavy manipulation of gold and silver by the banking system and the inevitable failure of the banks to continue to manipulate the precious metals markets.

Maloney also digs into the concerns surrounding a global centrally planned cashless society and the plans to implement the system into the SDR at the IMF. It's so incredibly important to understand the difference between a centralized and decentralized system. The blockchain can be used to force people into servitude if centralized, but it can be used to overthrow that which forces people into servitude if decentralized.

Mike Maloney goes into bail in regimes, the refusal of depositor's insurance in the case of a cashless society, the excuse of convenience used by the banking system and runs on banks.

Maloney also talks about his support of cryptocurrency and how he sees the market innovating in the coming years.Finally, Mike breaks down his thoughts on the crashing stock market and whether we're seeing a correction now or the innevitable collapse.

Michael Maloney is a precious metals investment expert and historian. He is the founder and owner of GoldSilver.com, a global leader in gold and silver sales/storage and one of the world's most highly regarded investment education companies. He is author of the highest selling precious metals investment book of all time, Rich Dad's Advisors: Guide to Investing In Gold and Silver. In addition, Mr. Maloney has been a precious metals investor advisor to "Rich Dad" founder Robert Kiyosaki. A student of economics, Mike is regarded as an expert on economic cycles and capitalizing on the opportunities they afford.

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