Sex, Drugs And Rock & Roll (And More Drugs)

By Zach Scheidt / May 16, 2018 / / Article Link

Did 2,500 people just vanish in Las Vegas?

I couldn’t figure it out!

As I walked down the hallway past the exhibit hall and towards the convention ballroom I didn’t see a single soul. It was like a ghost town!

This week, I’m attending The Money Show in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada. I’ve been to the show many times, and every year I learn something new about a few companies I’m following, about a specific industry, or about new opportunities for investors.

But this time was completely different. No one was around. I had to check my watch to see if I was here a day early!

Finally, I spotted a woman behind the registration desk and asked her where everyone was. She just pointed to the ballroom doors and said one name - Gene Simmons.

Of course! The famous rock legend was speaking and everyone was there early to hear him. I had been tied up with a few market issues in the morning and missed the beginning of his presentation. Oops!

Drugs, Sex and Rock & Roll!

As I walked into the great ballroom, I was greeted by two large projection screens with Gene Simmons and his host Tom Sosnoff. It was almost like being at one of his rock concerts!

“I’m sorry, I forgot the question because I like hearing the sound of my voice so much.”

The man certainly has a witty sense of humor. And he kept the crowd engaged as he talked about his rags to riches story, working multiple jobs while trying to build KISS in his spare time.

He also had some great advice when it comes to doing your research and investing in companies you actually know about.

For Gene, this means investing in Invictus MD (OTC: IVITF). It’s a Canadian cannabis company dedicated to providing marijuana to both the medical and recreational markets.

I’ll be frank with you... I’m still debating the legalization of marijuana in my own head. As a dad, I’ve got some concern about making drugs more accessible. But I feel the same way about kid’s access to alcohol and nicotine, too.

Regardless of my concerns, however, marijuana is big business. And Gene Simmons has researched the industry and knows his stuff! And that’s how he was able to settle on investing in - and becoming a spokesperson for - Invictus MD.

There’s a lesson here for us as investors too!

Invest in What You Know - and Do Your Homework!

Although Gene was at The Money Show to evangelize his marijuana company, this concept of “investing in what you know” is so appropriate for all of us.

In fact, that’s why I’m here at The Money Show in the first place!

Because if I’m going to bring the best market opportunities to you week in and week out, I need to be going right to the source of these opportunities to find the best information.

You’ve probably noticed that I travel to conventions, to investment conferences, even to visit individual companies often.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve been all across the country visiting with executives, asking hard questions, walking through company headquarters, and debating Wall Street analysts.

It’s my way of “investing in what I know.” Because I don’t want to put my family’s money into something that I haven’t fully vetted.

And at the same time, I don’t want to ask you to put your money into an investment that I haven’t properly researched. That way, we’re putting the odds in our favor when it comes to locking in the best profits that Wall Street has to offer.

So far at The Money Show, I’ve seen some compelling statistics on the growing marijuana industry, I’ve visited with energy companies that are profiting from the Great American Oil Boom, and I’ve spoken with money managers and listened to debates on the Fed’s actions this year.

In short, these “boots on the ground” sessions are a chance for me to pass the information that I’m finding on to you... So you can be informed and make the best investment decisions possible.

I’ll certainly have a lot of Money Show insights to pass on to you over the next several weeks. So stay tuned!

On today’s schedule is a session on Trump’s new tax plan and some special loopholes this plan opens up for retirees. I’ll let you know what I hear!

Here’s to growing and protecting your wealth!

Zach Scheidt
Editor, The Daily Edge
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